SPARK: at Birdland

SPARK: at Birdland

Birdland (map)

Join cellist Jean Gay as she guides you through an immersive musical experience designed to bring you in deep connection with the sounds of her live performance and the surrounding artwork by visual artists Pete Sack, Isabel Lu, Patrizia Ferreira, Daniel Kelly, Jean Gray Mohs, and Lamar Whidbee as part of their show, Alchemy. Jean is passionate about presenting music in settings and ways that encourage those present to engage more fully, and at Birdland audience members will explore music across the senses, from listening to seeing, to feeling and moving.

SPARK features works by six living composers, offering an opportunity to engage with current musical expression and imagination. Additionally Jean's piece, "Tutti," draws upon visual material improvised and contributed by the audience, bringing everyone into a one-time-only experience. Come ready to experience sights and sounds in a new way, and to discover what the music and visuals inspire within you! Tickets are available via Eventbrite here.

SPARK composers & works:

Jessica Meyer “Delta Sunrise” and “Swerve” (2017/16)

Nathalie Joachim “Dam Mwen Yo” (2016)

Daijana Wallace “Shades” (2019)

Jean Gay "Tutti" (2024)

Martha Bishop “Desert Gloom, Desert Radiance” (2000, rev. 2016)

PC: Kim of Nine19 Photography